3rd Place for Casa de Luta MMA Saarbrücken at Labyrinth Team Quintet
3rd Place! An unexpected day! Arriving at the @labyrinth.team.quintet as Coach and having to replace one of my students due to an unannounced injury. The hardest part of the day and the most fun, measuring myself with the youngest at my 41 years old with a recent hip injury not yet healed. I came out of there with several submissions and feeling still pretty confident with my Jiu Jitsu (7 fights). Except for Mraz who always care about me and brings me back to reality 

I want to give my biggest thanks to my dear Leo Nid , Lucas Gugnon , Alex Jecht and Steven for the big sacrifice of today. I know how hard it is for you guys to do this, difficult times for some of you… So this step you are taking for me and the team is invaluable. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I also have to announce that we have a new brown belt in da house!!! Macte! Bene merenti Steven Härtig !
I would also like to thank my dear Matrix family for the constant spanish support and coaching “El Matador
” And all the Spanish words thrown into the air without meaning… Still laughing on it
René Becker Bruno Amaddeo Mraz Avdoyan Muhammad Aladin @lucas86bjj Love u guys

And of course to Professor @canudobjj for being the source of motivation and inspiration

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