Great Success for Casa de Luta Fightklub at American Grappling Federation Saarbrücken
Casa de Luta is back home from American Grappling Federation Saarbrücken with a very satisfactory results!
8 Golds 

13 Silver

5 Bronze

Placed #1 No Gi Kids
Placed #2 Gi Kids
Placed #4 No Gi Adults
Placed #7 Gi Adults
We would like to thank @maksym_agf for the organization, professionalism, frienship and bringing such an event to our region, Saarland. A great opportunity for those of us who have to travel hours to get to any kind of Grappling event, and for those who still have to discover our sport. Thank u Sir

Congratulations to our Casa de Luta Fighters!!! As always, mega proud of all of you! To go out there, to have the courage to fight, and to represent us, is priceless… I could not put it into words. I can only thank you for your effort and belief! And remember that this is just the beginning, just a small part of what we can achieve.
Next month it’s the turn of our Kickboxing Fighters! Let’s keep it up! Let’s Gooooo!!!
Casa de Luta MMA Saarbrücken
Mainzer Str. 30
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