Casa De Luta MMA Saarbrücken Coach Katrin Welker promoted to Blackbelt Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Congratulations Katie McKate


It´s been a rocky road until I found a new family with Pound For Pound Team and Professor Sergio "Canudo" Zimmermann. Having a mentor who says "I am proud of you" meand the world
13 years of BJJ, 3 of them Casa De Luta FightKlub Saarbrücken Nevertheless, it feels more like "the more I learn the less i know". But I know one thing for sure: I will never stop learning and I will always give my all"

I have so many people to thank who have accompanied me on this journey so far (you know who you are!). But non of this would have been possible without @abelbjj Walking this journy with you is a gift

Katrin Welker
Casa De Luta MMA Saarbrücken
Mainzer Str. 30
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