MMA Sparrings Day at MMA Spirit House of Champions
Sparring day at @mma_spirit_ffm First of all I want to thank @niels_mmaspirit for organizing and hosting us on this day in a nice and humble way. Thank you Sir
@casadeluta is your home, do not hesitate to contact us if you need our help. I would like to thank each of the fighters there for the support, good reception and good technical sparrings. To the coaches present there! @mehdimeziri It was good to see you again
To my dear @julianwinkmma , one of my first students, a tremendous fighter, and now a member of mma spirit, for his support, friendship and for being such a great person
You will go far, believe me
And of course to each one of my students, for believing in me! Oss
Our Casa de Luta MMA Saarbrücken Noah Gugnon, is on his way to Bellator 299 where he will face Scotland's Mark Ewen, September 23, 2023 3AM Arena in Dublin, Ireland.
#mma #mmatraining #mmafighter #mmalifestyle #casadeluta #mmasaarbrücken
Casa De Luta FightKlub Saarbrücken (Eingang im Hinterhof) Mainzer Str. 30 66111 Saarbrücken Email:
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