Noah Gugnon vs Jeremy Cochet at Kingdom MMA in france


We have just started with Noah "Guns" Gugnon (Casa de Luta Saarbrücken) preparation for his next professional MMA fight in Kingdom MMA, France. Just two weeks since his last fight and impressive victory in Bulgaria! Noah is already 100% focused on his next goal! Ee have five weeks until the day of the weigh-in, there is no time to lose. I am completely confident and sure that Noah Gugnon will be victorious in this battle! There is no stopping him!

We will use the time with Noah Gugnon to start with the preparation of Carlo Quinten, who will soon make his amateur debut in MMA. Time to Smeesh! Let´s Goooo!!

Casa De Luta FightKlub Saarbrücken (Eingang im Hinterhof) Mainzer Str. 30 66111 Saarbrücken Email:
