Learning in BJJ and how this concept can be applied to all things in life by Matt Heafy of Trivium
Once you learn "how to learn" in BJJ - things will become more clear.
What do I mean by "once you learn how to learn"?
BJJ and singing both are skills that need constant work.
Using the example of singing-you can easily see how this can apply to BJJ, cooking, writing music, anything.
Some people pick up singing very easily "those who don´t need lessons or warm ups-they naturally don´t do it "right") - then there's people like me (those who did it wrong for years, had to unlearn everything, and had to instill a 5 day a week/ 2-4 hours a day training - for years (and I still do this day) - to undo the bad habits and reafirm the good habits). Proper singing is retraining your body to respond different and create good muscle memory habits so you no longer have to think about it.
BJJ is the same. In the early years - you're not quite sure mentally or physically how to move and whatto do; adn when you think abnout what you´re dping/what you need to - you inevitably typically will slip up.
In both singing and BJJ the stakes are high if you slip up: a flat or sharp note, a vocal squeak; or conversely - getting tapped or injured if you're too slow to react to what's happening.
Learning "how to learn" means - actually learning the processes of what YOU need to do to work at your craft - and it´s effectively creating a lesson plan for the minutes you´re training, the hour (s) you´re training; then into days, weeks, months, years. The short term goals and the long term goals.
Everyone learns, trains, and responds to different conditions. Me? I´m and incredibly slow learner in everything I do; I have a very difficult time retaining information; and I have a really slow learning curve for when things start to make sense to me. I often times will internally be screaming that I want to quit, but I have seen with all the things in life that have gotten me there mentally: that the rewards once it make sense - are massive (singing, guitar, BJJ, yoga, entrepreneurshipo, etc).
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