Alec Thomas promoted to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Blue Belt by abelbjj (Abel Simon)


Alec started training with me about a year and a half ago, his beginnings in Jiu Jitsu were in another academy due to the proximity to where he lives. He started with us attending from time to time during open mats, eventually deciding to change teams and dedicate himself 100% to Casa de Luta Saarbrücken. Alec is a hard working, humble and eager to learn guy, with not very good luck due to numerous injuries coming from his life as a boxer before. But injuries are no excuse for Alec, there is no injury that stops him or prevents him from stepping on the mat, something I value and appreciate very much. It is not the same to start Jiu Jitsu at 20 than to start at almost 40, and especially when we talk about athletes who have dedicated body and soul to another sport, in this case Boxing. Super proud and happy to have Alec on the team! A well deserved belt, you can't say that you haven't fought for it. Congratulations! Oss 

Casa De Luta FightKlub Saarbrücken (Eingang im Hinterhof) Mainzer Str. 30 66111 Saarbrücken Email:
