Third Day Team Convention Pound for Pound / Carlson Gracie (Sergio Zimmermann Seminar & Promotion Day)


Sadly the last day of the Team Convention Pound for Pound / Carlson Gracie in Munich, Saarbrücken, has arrived. At 09:00 in the morning the seminar started with our Headcoach Sergio Zimmermann "Canudo". Once we arrived there punctually, we first thanked all the attendees, then we were lined up in order of graduation, and after a few good words from Sergio Canudo and Carlson Gracie, the surprises arrived. Our Head Coach and one of the creators of the Pound for Pound team, Sergio Zimmermann "Canudo", pulled out a brown belt hidden in his kimono, and called our Women's Only Coach, Katrin Welker, to hand over the belt. A surprise she had not expected at any time, so she reacted excitedly and with great happiness. After that, came my moment, Abelbjj where after six years as brown belt I had the great honor to be graduated by Sergio Zimmermann "Canudo" and together with Carlson Gracie to black belt, an indescribable surprise and feeling. After the celebration, we went straight to what we came to learn from the hands of our Headcoach, a seminar where we work from closed guard to spider guard, and from there sweeps and attacks. A lot of super important details, of which one is sometimes surprised not to have been able to find on one's own. After the two hour seminar, we went straight to the Open Mat, where I had the honor and pleasure of rolling with some of the black belts present.


We are located in:

Casa De Luta FightKlub Saarbrücken (Eingang im Hinterhof) Mainzer Str. 30 66111 Saarbrücken Email:
