First Day Owen Livesey Seminar at Casa De Luta Saarbrücken


First day of seminar at Casa de Luta Saarbrücken with Black belt Judo and Jiu Jitsu, this last under Carlson Gracie Jr, the unbeatable Owen Livesey. Seminar specifically focused on Judo for NoGi, check his Instructionals at The Grappler Club. Owen Livesey's specialty and what he is so well known for in the grappling world, due to his spectacular ability to take his opponents to the ground. 

On this first day of the seminar, Owen introduced us to the basic principles of Wrestling, from there he introduced us step by step and in a very simple way to his Judo, working different types of sweeps, body locks and snap downs. After that it was time to work on how to control our opponent once on the ground. Two intense hours in which one loses track of time making you believe that only a few minutes have passed. Owen transmits in an energetic and motivating way, with a simplicity of teaching that is easy to understand at all levels. As a result, one leaves the seminar with a new arsenal of weapons that are easy to use during the fight.

After the seminar, we moved on to the action, an hour of Open Mat where we could test our skills with each of those present, and of course Owen Livesey smeshing the mats!

abelbjj (Abel Simon) & Owen Livesey at Casa de Luta Saarbrücken Open Mat

Casa De Luta FightKlub Saarbrücken
(Eingang im Hinterhof) Mainzer Str. 30 66111 Saarbrücken Email:
