Casa De Luta Saarbrücken at Naga Grappling Championship Limburg 2022
Noah Gugnon Intermediate Naga Grappling Champion 2022
A short highlight of this weekend's competition at Naga Grappling Championship 2022 in Limburg, where four of our fighters from Casa De Luta Saarbrücken Competition Team (Noah Gugnon, Niclas Laüx, Lille Wälter and Mehmed), put their skills into action. Regardless of result or medals, the team will continue to work hard trying to achieve the goals of each of our fighters. A day where we fought hard and learned a lot. Congratulations to all! I am super proud of all of you! Let´s goo!
Ah! By the way! I didn't want to forget to thank the coaches who were guiding each of the fighters in each of their respective fights: Katrin Welker and Lucas Gugnon. Thank you guys!
Casa De Luta FightKlub Saarbrücken
(Eingang im Hinterhof)
Mainzer Str. 30
66111 Saarbrücken
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