Noah Gugnon and Lucas Gugnon new BJJ purple belts at Casa De Luta


Abel Simon (abelbjj) and Noah Gugnon

Abel Simon (abelbjj) and Lucas Gugnon

After a positive weekend for the team due to the MMA victory of our fighter Noah Gugnon in Marseille (France), today during the Open Mat I decided that it was time to take these two fighters to the next level. The Gugnon Brothers are two French fighters with extensive experience in the world of contact sports, Noah Gugnon an active professional MMA fighter and Lucas Gugnon a former Judo fighter. Two excellent athletes, with great humility and hard workers. It´s an honor to have them as students and as part of the team.
Congratulations guys! No need to relax, keep working as usual or even harder. You both will go far!!

Casa De Luta FightKlub Saarbrücken (Eingang im Hinterhof) Mainzer Str. 30 66111 Saarbrücken Email:
