Can’t Finish the Knee Cut Pass in BJJ? Switch to this Pressure Pass Instead


In today's video you'll get to watch a clip from one of my BJJ classes where I teach a guard passing technique I like using more than the cut through pass. The pass connects with the knee cut / cut through pass as you'll see in the video. Now the reason why I like this pass better in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is that the cut through usually doesn't feel great on my knees. When someone holds onto the ankle if I try to finish the knee cut pass it seems to tweak my knee. So if I go for the cut through pass and it doesn't work I'll switch off to this pressure pass instead. Hope the technique gives you some ideas for your next BJJ training session. -Chewy

Casa De Luta FightKlub Saarbrücken (Eingang im Hinterhof) Mainzer Str. 30 66111 Saarbrücken Email:
