Braulio Estima Recounts The Time He Won IBJJF Europeans and ADCC Despite a Severe Neck Injury


Braulio Estima recounted how ten years ago,he competed and won the IBJJF European championship just 2 days before his neck surgery.

This was a very dangerous move since, Estima had severely injured his neck in a training accident in his gym. He landed straight on his head when his opponent defended his single leg takedown attempt. Braulio was paralysed for a few days.

He was able to make a full recovery and even went on to win ADCC 2011 defeating the great Jacare Souza.

“In 2010 I injured my neck pretty severely training for an MMA fight, to the extent that I had to undergo a major neck surgery and was told I might never be able to fight competitively again. Not many know that 2 days before that surgery I actually competed in the Europeans against all advice and managed to win my weight division fighting the final against the current world champion Sergio Morais. I would not recommend anyone to do something like that however I would like to explain my reasons behind

Few weeks before the Europeans a very close friend of mine Steve Fan sadly passed away from cancer it was a long battle and every time he was told he would never train again he was back on the mats to the point he got his purple belt it was a very inspiring story of willpower. When he passed away I decided to compete and win this for him. You could say it was reckless but I was extremely cautious and played defensively avoiding anything around my head and neck. With my mind as focused as it could ever be I managed to win my last Europeans title in honour of Steve Fan. This was 10 years ago today, and I would like to celebrate and remember him and he will power.”

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